Log your fundraising for the event

In order to make administration of your fundraising efforts as simple as possile, we need you to log all details of the amounts you've raised against for your team before you send any money to us. This makes allocating the money to your team, and ultimately collecting back Gift Aid back from HMRC dramatically easier for us.
You'll also be able to see your team's progress to hit its fundraising total from your members area.
Justgiving is the easiet way to collect money from your sponsors. Setting up a page takes just a couple of minutes, and it's incredibly easy for your sponsors to make donations on the site. Gift Aid is collected automatically, and all donations are passed automatically to Challenge Adventure Charities.
If you setup a justgiving page, then we can automatically import full details directly from Justgiving, and you won't need to provide us with any further details. We've already linked 90% of the Justgiving sites for the Massif Challenge to the team pages, but if for any reaso you don't think your fundraising is showing please email tom@challengeadventurecharities.org.uk with details of your Justgiving page, and we'll create the link for you.
If Justgiving doesn't work for you or your sponsors, we're just as happy to receive donations in a number of other ways. On every event page you will find a Sponsorship form for the event that you can use. What we ask is that you register all of the details on the website against your team. This makes the administration of things an awful lot easier, and will help us to allocate it to your team correctly, and to claim Gift Aid.
All cheques should be made out to Challenge Adventure Charities and sent directly to us at Elliott Brothers, Millbank Street, Southampton, SO14 5AG UK. Bank payments can be made directly into CAC’s Fundraising bank account but please reference the payment by team number. Please do not send sponsorship directly to other charities. CAC should receive ALL monies and when the team has completed their fundraising, CAC will calculate the split of 50% to the official event charities and 50% to your own team’s charity, and send out cheques accordingly. The team captain will be sent the team cheque to send on or present to the charity the team has designated.