Raise Money

How to raise money
For Team challenges, every Team is committed to raising at least £1,000. For Individual Challenges it is £250.
When collecting sponsorship always ask donors to GIFT AID it. All they need to do is give us their address, including postcode and confirm, ideally by signature, that they are UK tax payers and they are eligible to gift aid their donation, and we do the rest (use the sponsorship form circulated to team leaders). Up to 25% can be reclaimed from the Government on donations from UK taxpayers.
How to start
Decide on what you want do, where you want to do it and when. Think about your team’s skills, contacts with celebrities, corporate contacts, interests you may have and any resources you will need.
Your or your team may decide to email or post out requests for sponsorship to family, friends, work colleagues. Ensure that you enclose Sponsorship forms and ask individuals to Gift Aid their donations. You can always reference the web site www.challengeadventurecharities.org.uk Give everyone the Justgiving link, below, if they prefer to donate on-line.
Why are you cycling? Do you have a personal story that you would be happy to include in your promotional material, you may find that it makes your fundraising more productive. Or contact local papers like the Southampton Daily Echo who are keen to do lifestyle features, (contact features editor Sally Churchward). Use the Justgiving Site to create a team page and email the link to all your contacts. Ask contacts to forward the link on to others. Customise your team page to describe why you are fundraising with again a personal story that might add weight to your request for sponsorship. Use www.justgiving.com/cac/raisemoney which will take you directly to the Challenge page on the Justgiving site. Ask your Company to help - Is your team supported by your company ? Can the company help with mailings, for example, and mail out to suppliers and clients ? If so, reference the web site. Will the company designate a member of admin staff to help you ? Why not ask ? Corporate support undoubtably is one of the best sources for good donations. Hold an event such as a sale or auction of donated goods, a wine-tasting – do you have contacts with a local wine merchant, or perhaps a promises auction in a local hall, school hall or scout hut in your village.
A race night………an Autumn ball……….A village fair….. are other examples, but they will need careful planning and publicity, well in advance.